Quick recap to end my ‘official business’.

The meeting last night was well attended, the food was excellent, and everyone was very happy that Jack Miller had worked out the arrangements to be in the cool of the Club rather than in 115 degree (heat index) outside. And we actually came out ahead in donations! A special thanks to Barbara Fischer, who sent a generous contribution even though she was unable to attend – keep her in your thoughts.

The new directory was handed out to those attending. Martha and I will drop off directories for those who were unable to attend. One copy is free to each household, additional ones are available for $2 each.

New officers were chosen: Tony Hose is President/Chair, Sarah Catlin-Dupuy is Vice-President, Martha John is Secretary, and Sheila Dundon is the Treasurer. Martha John additionally agreed to coordinate the annual Neighborhood Garage Sale. I’m sure the officers will enjoy the support and cooperation of the entire neighborhood.

Thanks everyone, it was enjoyable serving as your association President/Chair these last couple of years!

Jim Downey