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Quick recap to end my ‘official business’.

The meeting last night was well attended, the food was excellent, and everyone was very happy that Jack Miller had worked out the arrangements to be in the cool of the Club rather than in 115 degree (heat index) outside. And we actually came out ahead in donations! A special thanks to Barbara Fischer, who sent a generous contribution even though she was unable to attend – keep her in your thoughts.

The new directory was handed out to those attending. Martha and I will drop off directories for those who were unable to attend. One copy is free to each household, additional ones are available for $2 each.

New officers were chosen: Tony Hose is President/Chair, Sarah Catlin-Dupuy is Vice-President, Martha John is Secretary, and Sheila Dundon is the Treasurer. Martha John additionally agreed to coordinate the annual Neighborhood Garage Sale. I’m sure the officers will enjoy the support and cooperation of the entire neighborhood.

Thanks everyone, it was enjoyable serving as your association President/Chair these last couple of years!

Jim Downey

Greetings! Just thought that I would post the Tentative Agenda for the CCENA Annual Meeting, 8/3/10:

I. Call to Order

II. Officer’s Reports
A. Chair
B. Vice-Chair
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer

III. New Business
A. Trash scavengers
B. Neighborhood “Garage Sale”
C. Name change proposal.
D. Other business/concerns?

IV. Election of Officers

V. Close Meeting.

I will have copies of the new neighborhood directory to hand out at the meeting – one copy per household. Additional copies may be purchased.

See you tomorrow!

Jim Downey

Some great news: thanks to the efforts of Jack Miller, vice-president for the Country Club Estates Neighborhood Association, our annual potluck/meeting this year will take place on Tuesday, August 3rd starting at 5:30 at the Columbia Country Club! This means no heat, no worries about storms, no problems with flies or mosquitoes – just the air-conditioned comfort of the Country Club. Here are the details:

  • 5:00 PM people can start arriving – bring your side dishes
  • Your choice of hamburger or pulled pork
  • The Country Club will provide buns, plates, silverware, water, coffee and tea
  • Dinner will begin at 5:30, the official meeting at 6:00
  • Anyone who wants to swim can use the pool at the special rate of $2.00 per person.

OK, we’re asking for a suggested donation of $5.00 per person.  This is what the Country Club is charging us. But any amount will be welcome, above or below that amount, and no one will be turned away.

We also need a rough count of those who are planning on attending by noon this Friday.  You can leave a note here, drop me an email ( jim @ afineline . org) or call me: 573-442-5924 or 573-442-0855. But don’t worry – if your plans change, or something comes up, you are welcome to attend or not on Tuesday, regardless.

There will be a cash bar, for anyone who wants a soda or a drink.

The business meeting will begin about 6:00.  On the agenda at this time is only the election of officers for the next year.  I am stepping down as president – someone else will need to step forward and be elected.  I believe that Sarah also wants to get out of the Secretary’s office

There will be a new Directory to be handed out at the meeting.  If I contact you in the next couple of days asking for more information, please respond by the weekend.

Remember – we need a head count of those attending by this Friday, noon.  Let me know.

And we’ll look forward to seeing you there next Tuesday!

Jim Downey

(Posted on behalf of Betty Gladney.)

The Country Lane flower circle needs you! Here’s the story of how the circle of flowers – enjoyed by neighbors and walkers – came to be. The City’s plan was to have an evergreen surrounded by gravel. “Could I plant flowers, instead?”

Now, 40 years later, and many blooms later, I’m asking for neighbors to lend some time to weed, plant, and water. No experience needed! Just stop by and spend some time. Feel free to knock on my door, use my hose for watering. Please bring your own tools and bags for weeds. I have a few favorites, but others can be pulled out, and your favorites planted instead.

Thanks for your help to keep this neighborhood garden spot beautiful for everyone to enjoy!

— Betty Gladney
— 2232 Country Lane

You may have heard or seen something about the Planning Charrette which is being conducted to help determine the future of downtown. I received a note that I wanted to pass along about public meetings next week which are part of this process – here’s the most relevant bit:

The public and stakeholders will have an opportunity to engage the design team at two public meetings and an open house over the five days. The purpose of the public meetings is for the team to synthesize the best aspects of the alternatives into a preferred plan that will be developed in detail and tested for economic, design and political feasibility.

Monday, June 21, Public Meeting, 6:00-8:00 pm, Dulany Hall, Columbia College

Wednesday , June 23, 5:00-7:00 pm, Open House, Berry Building, 1025 East Walnut. Meet the Consulting Team of H3 and comment on their work to date.

Friday, June 25, 4:00-6:00 pm, Dulany Hall, Columbia College

The charrette studio will also be open all week from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm, so please feel free to drop by and comment on the concept plans as they are being developed by H3 Studio.

I will be unable to attend, but if someone else would like to do so and write up something for the neighborhood blog, please feel free.

Jim Downey

If you didn’t make it to the Open House/Garden Party on Saturday, you missed a very enjoyable morning. Thanks for our hosts, Randy and Gary, for opening their beautiful yard for us. As it happens, while we were having our little party, two representatives from the Columbia Garden Club stopped by to award Gary and Randy their “Garden of the Month” honor. Congrats, guys – extremely well deserved recognition! And thanks for hosting!

A bit of business to discuss: Mary and Russ Still, who kindly offered to hold the Annual Meeting at their home this August, have found that they have a conflict for the evening of the City’s annual Night Out (August 3), which we usually coordinate with. So I would appreciate your thoughts: should we schedule our meeting for another date, or should we find another location and hold the meeting on the traditional evening? Please let me know soon, so we can get the scheduling in place.

Cheers to one and all!

Jim Downey

Neighbors chat in the shade

Admiring the 'cypress man'

Congratulations to Gary and Randy

Good afternoon!

Remember, tomorrow there will be an Open House/Garden Party at the home of Gary Smith and Randy Kilgore, 804 Fairway, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. If you can, come and enjoy good company in their beautiful garden!

Also, while there I will have information Sarah has compiled for a new neighborhood directory. Please see me to check and see if the information we have about you is *accurate*. If you will not be attending, please drop me an email ( ) sometime in the next week or two so that we can check the information we have. Your cooperation on this project will be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Jim Downey

Several odds and ends . . .

First, I thank all who voted for me in the Missourian Poll for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Alas, cooler heads on the City Council prevailed, and I was not chosen. Life goes on, and now no one will get a pony.

A reminder: Saturday, June 5th there will be an Open House/Garden Party at the home of Gary Smith and Randy Kilgore, 804 Fairway, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. If you can, come and enjoy good company in their beautiful garden!

Lastly, if anyone would like some, we have an abundance of strawberries this year. If you would like to come by sometime and pick your own, just drop me an email or feel free to call (573-442-0855). This is a limited-time offer, however, as the crop will start to run out in the next couple of weeks.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 5th!

Jim Downey
